- Work is love made visible
- To all friends of peace and recovery...
- I would like to inroduce my lithograph "The Work" to you.
- This lithorgraph comes from an original painting I was inspired
- to do. It portrays my own life story, and the message and spiritual
- awakening that I recieved from the rooms of Twelve Step Programs.
- If you will allow me, I would like to share it with you.
- Sherin Z.
- The lithograph is available with or without the A.A. title printed on the book
- To order prints contact Shirin direct. Please call (818) 300-3090
- Shirin's Art • 5412 Lindley Ave., #208 • Encino • CA • 91316 USA
- $24.95 plus $4.95 Shipping and handling
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